Room in your Heart

Join Red Roof in reaching our $50,000 goal and have a chance to name a Canine Companions puppy.

Red Roof has always had a deep commitment to causes near and dear and which help those in need. This sentiment is exemplified through our Room in Your Heart purpose program which is dedicated to making a difference by supporting diverse organizations, like Canine Companions®, and the individuals and issues they serve.

Canine Companions’ expertly trained service dogs make a world of difference by empowering Canine Companions clients to lead lives with enhanced independence. Canine Companions believes, and Red Roof agrees, that independence shouldn’t be limited to those who look or live a certain way. Disabilities reach all races, classes and backgrounds.

Our February 2022 Room in Your Heart promotion resulted in a $32,000 donation to Canine Companions putting us within reach of the honor of naming a Canine Companions puppy at our 2022 Brand Conference.

Consider adding a Canine Companions donation to your Brand Conference registration.

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